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Terms of Sales (Details)


Under Quebec consumer law

Users* of the Paradis sur terre site are Informed of the Identity of the various Stakeholders in the context of its implementation, development and operation:

Site Owner: Paradis sur terre

Holders Site: Peter Clerin

Place of Residence: Quebec (QC)

Head of Publications: Conscience Media

BRQ Number: 227061458

Webmaster: Bernard Charron

Hereinafter, referred to as the “Seller” OR “Paradis sur terre” be reached at the following Email Address: [email protected].

The natural or legal person purchasing products or services from the company, hereinafter "the Buyer" or "the Customer", has been explained and agreed as follows:

The Seller is the Publisher of Ramis-Tri Products and Services for Consumers, Marketed through its Website (https://paradissurterre.com).The List and Description of the Goods and Services offered by the “Seller” can be viewed on the aforementioned SITE.

1. Object

These General Conditions of Sale (GTC) Determine the Rights and Obligations of the Parties within the framework of the Online Sale of Products or Services offered by the Seller.

Video Lessons (Online Reading ONLY)

Meditations in Videos (Online Reading ONLY)

Music (Downloadable in MP3)

Digital Books (Downloadable in PDF)

Personalized Music (Available Online)

Music Concert (Online or In Person)

2. General Provisions

These General Conditions of Sale Govern the Sales of Products or Services, made on the Paradis sur terre Website. They are an Integral Part of the Contract between the Buyer and the Seller. They are FULLY Enforceable Against the Buyer Who ACCEPTED them BEFORE Placing the Order.

The Seller RESERVES the RIGHT to Modify these at ANY Time by publishing a new version on its website. The GTC then Applicable are those In Force on the Date of Payment or of the First Payment, in the event of multiple payments of the order. These T & Cs CAN be Viewed on the Paradis sur terre Website at the following address: https://ramis-tri.net/.https://ramis-tri.net/.

Paradis sur terre also ENSURES that their Acceptance is Clear and unreserved by setting up a checkbox and a validation click. The Customer DECLARES to Have Read ALL of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, and, where Applicable, the Special Terms and Conditions of Sale related to a product or a service, and ACCEPTS them WITHOUT Restriction or Reserve.

The Customer ACKNOWLEDGES that He HAS RECEIVED the Advice and Information NECESSARY to ensure that the offer meets his needs.

The Customer DECLARES to be Able to Legally Contract under Quebec Laws or validly represent the natural or legal person for whom he is committed. UNLESS Proven Otherwise, the Information Recorded by Paradis sur terre constitutes Proof of ALL Transactions.

3. Prices

The PRICES of the Products sold on the Website ARE Indicated In Canadian Dollars, excluding taxes and precisely determined on the descriptive pages of the Products.

They ARE ALSO Indicated In Canadian Dollars, all taxes included, On the Product Order Page, and excluding specific shipping costs.

Customs Duties, other Local Taxes, Import Duties, State Taxes MAY Be Payable in certain cases. These Rights and Sums Are NOT the Responsibility of the Seller. These Rights and Sums Are NOT the Responsibility of the Seller. They WILL Be the Responsibility of the Buyer and are his responsibility (declarations, payment to the competent authorities, etc.). he Seller, therefore, INVITES the Buyer to Obtain Information on these aspects from the corresponding Local Authorities.

Paradis sur terre RESERVES the RIGHT to Modify its Prices at ANYTIME in the future. The Telecommunications Costs Necessary to ACCESS the Company’s Websites ARE the RESPONSIBILITY of the Customer. If applicable, also the Delivery Costs.

4. Conclusion of the Contract Online

In Accordance with the Provisions of the CIVIL CODE, the Customer MUST FOLLOW a Series of Steps to Conclude the Contract Electronically in order to BE ABLE to Place his Order:

Information on the Essential Characteristics of the Product;

Choice of Product;

Indication of the Essential Contact Details of the Client (such as Identification, Email, Address);

Acceptance of these General Conditions of Sale;

Verification of the Elements of the Order and, if necessary, Correction of Errors;

BEFORE Proceeding With its Confirmation, the Buyer* HAS the POSSIBILITY to CHECK the Details of his Order, its Price, to CORRECT any Errors, Or to CANCEL his Order;

Confirmation of the Order WILL Constitute the Formation of this Contract;

Verification of Payment Instructions, Payment for Products, then Delivery of the Order;

The Customer WILL Receive an Email Confirmation of Payment for the order, a Link Guaranteeing immediate Access to Digital Products, as well as an Acknowledgment of Receipt of the Order.

The Customer WILL have the Opportunity during his ordering process to Identify any Errors made in entering data and to Correct them. The Language offered for the Conclusion of the Contract is English.

The Terms of the Offer and the general Conditions of Sale are Emailed back to the Buyer when Ordering and Archived on the Seller’s WEBSITE.

The Archiving of Communications, the Order, the Details of the Order, as well as the Invoices is Carried out on a reliable and Durable Medium so as to Constitute a Faithful and Durable Copy in Accordance with the Provisions of the Civil Code. This Information CAN be produced as Proof of the Contract.

For Delivered Products, Delivery WILL be made to the Address Indicated by the Customer.

For the purposes of successful completion of the order, the Customer UNDERTAKES to Provide Truthful Identification Elements.

The Seller RESERVES the RIGHT to REFUSE the Order, for ANY Abnormal Request, Made in BAD FAITH or for ANY Legitimate Reason.

5. Products and Services

The Essential Characteristics of the Goods, Services and their respective Prices ARE made Available to the Purchaser on the Paradis sur terre WEBSITE, as well as, where applicable, the mode of use of the product. In Accordance with the Consumer Protection Act, the Latter is Informed, by posting or by any other appropriate process, of the Prices and Special Conditions of the sale and of the execution of the services BEFORE ANY Conclusion of the sales Contract. In all cases the TOTAL Amount Owed by the Buyer* is Indicated on the Order Confirmation Page. The Selling Price of the Product is that in force Indicated on the Day of the Order, this one NOT Including the Shipping Costs Invoiced in addition. In all cases the TOTAL Amount Owed by the Buyer* is Indicated on the Order Confirmation Page. The Seller RESERVES the RIGHT to MODIFY its Prices at ANY Time, while guaranteeing the application of the price indicated at the time of the order.

When the Products or Services are NOT executed IMMEDIATELY, Clear Information IS GIVEN on the Product Presentation Page as to the delivery dates of the products or services. The Customer CERTIFIES having received a Detail of the Delivery Costs, as well as the Terms of Payment, Delivery and Execution of the Contract. The Buyer* further CERTIFIES Receiving detailed Information relating to the Identity of the Seller, as well as his postal, telephone and electronic contact details, and to its activities in the context of this sale. The Seller Undertakes to Honor the Customer’s Order within the Limits of Stocks of Available Products only. Otherwise, the Seller Informs the Customer. If the order has been placed, and In the ABSENSE of AGREEMENT with the Customer on a New Delivery Date, the Seller WILL Reimburse the Customer.

The Contractual Information is Presented in detail and in French. The Parties AGREE that the illustrations or Photos of the products offered for sale HAVE NO Contractual Value. The Period of Validity of the product, as well as, their prices IS Specified on the Paradis sur terre Website, as well as the minimum duration of the contracts offered when these relate to a continuous or periodic supply of products or services. Unless there are specific conditions, the rights granted hereunder are granted only to the natural person signing the order, or the person holding the email address provided.

6. Compliance

In Accordance with the Consumer Protection Act, the products and services offered for sale Governed by these General Conditions of Sale (GTC) Meet the Requirements in force relating o the Safety and Health of Persons, the Fairness of commercial Transactions and the Protection of Consumers.

Regardless of ANY Commercial Warranty, the Seller REMAINS LIABLE for ANY Lack of Conformity and Hidden Defects in the product.

The Seller Delivers Goods in Conformity with the Contract and IS LIABLE for ANY Lack of Conformity existing at the time of Delivery.

In Accordance with the Legal Provisions on intellectual property rights, the Seller REIMBURSES or EXCHANGES Defective Products or Products that do NOT Correspond to the Order.

However, if a Refund MUST be made to the Customer, It MUST be Requested by Writing to the following email address: [email protected]

7. Terms of Delivery

The Products ARE Delivered to the Delivery Address that was Indicated when Ordering and within the Specified Deadlines. These times do not take into account the time taken to prepare the order.

When the Customer orders several products at the same time, they may have different delivery times.

In the event of Late Delivery, the Customer HAS the Option of Terminating the Contract under the Terms and Conditions defined by the Consumer Protection Act. The Seller THEN REIMBURSES the Product at its Nominal Value.

The Seller Reminds that When the Customer Takes Physical Possession of the products, the Risk of loss or damage to the products is Transferred to Him. t IS the Customer’s RESPONSIBILITY to Notify the Carrier of ANY Reservations regarding the Product delivered.

8. Payment

Payment IS Due IMMEDIATELY upon Ordering, Including for Pre-Ordered Products. The Information Transmitted is Encrypted according to the rules of the art and CANNOT be read during transport on the network.

Our Payment Provider: PayPal

Once the Payment has been Initiated by the Customer, the Transaction Is IMMEDIATELY Debited after verification of the information. In accordance with the provisions of the Monetary and Financial Code, the Commitment to Pay by Card is IRREVOCABLE.

By Providing his Banking Information during the sale, the Customer AUTHORIZES the Seller to Debit his Card for the amount relating to the price indicated.

The Customer CONFIRMS that he is the LEGAL holder of the card to be debited and that He is LEGALLY Entitled to use it. In the event of an error, or in the event that it is impossible to debit the card, the sale is automatically terminated and the order canceled.

9. Withdrawal Period

We Inform Customers that According to the Consumer Protection Act, the Right of Withdrawal CANNOT be Exercised for a Service Contract for Education or Assistance. Guided Meditation is an Example.

In the event of Exercising of the Right of Withdrawal under the following conditions: If a Customer DEMONSTRATES that he CANNOT Access the Videos on Our Server Using the Access Link obtained during his purchase, the Price of the Product (s) Purchased WILL be REFUNDED.

10. Guarantees Concerning Courses and Meditations

In Accordance with the Law, Ramis-Tri ASSUMES the following Guarantees:

Guarantee of ACCESS to Meditations and Video Lessons:

Upon confirmation of purchase, the Customer receives an access link to the product by email.

Guarantee of ACCESS to Meditations and Video Lessons Hosted on its Server (pCloud) for a REASONABLE Period Determined by Paradis sur terre.

Guarantee to PROVIDE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE to Customers, where POSSIBLE, so they can ACCESS the Videos of the Lectures and Meditations.

For Information or Technical Assistance related to this product, Contact Bernard Charron, Webmaster: [email protected]

This Warranty is Valid for 90 Days Following the Purchase of the Product.

11. Complaints

Paradis sur terre  does NOT grant any Refund on products Already Consumed*, unless the Buyer has the OPPORTUNITY to PROVE to the Seller that he CANNOT use the Access Link allowing him to access the products.

If applicable, the Buyer MAY Submit any Complaint by Contacting Paradis sur terre using the following contact details: [email protected]

12. Intellectual Property Rights

Trademarks, domain names, products, images, videos, texts or more generally ANY information Subject to Intellectual Property Rights ARE and REMAIN the EXCLUSIVE Property of the Seller. NO Assignment of Intellectual Property Rights is made in these T&Cs.

ANY total or partial Reproduction, Modification or Use of these Goods for ANY reason whatsoever is strictly prohibited.

As a result, Paradis sur terre Prohibits ANY Legacy of the Link to Access the Meditations and the Course to Third Parties.

13. Majeure Force

The Performance of the SELLER’s OBLIGATION IS at the End of These Presents is SUSPENDED in the event of the Occurrence of a Fortuitous Event or Force Majeure which would PREVENT its Performance. The Seller WILL Notify the Customer of the occurrence of such an event As Soon As Possible.

14. Nullity and Modification of the Contract

If One of the Stipulations of this Contract were Canceled, this Nullity does NOT Entail the Nullity of the Other Stipulations which WILL Remain in Force between the parties. ANY contractual Modification Is ONLY valid AFTER a Written and SIGNED Agreement of the Parties.

15. Protection of Personal Data

The Seller Implements a Processing of Personal Data whose PURPOSE Is the Sale and Delivery of Products and Services defined in This Contract.

The Buyer* Is Informed of the following:

The Identity and Contact Details of the Controller and, where applicable, the representative of the controller and data protection officer: [email protected];

Data Retention Period: INDEFINITE period;

The Data Subject has the RIGHT to Request from the Controller Access to, Rectification or Erasure of Person Data;

The Data Subject has the RIGHT to Lodge a Complaint with a supervisory authority.

The Information Requested when ordering IS Necessary for the Establishment of the Invoice (Legal Obligation) and the Delivery of Goods ordered. Otherwise, the Order WOULD NOT be Placed.

NO automated Decisions or Profiling IS Implemented by the Ordering Process. However, Customers and Subscribers ARE Responsible for maintaining the Confidentiality of their Password and ALL Purchase Activity on their account.

16. Applicable Law and Clauses

ALL the Clauses appearing in These GCS, as well as ALL the Purchase and Sales Transactions referred to therein, WILL Be Subject to Quebec Law.

Paradis sur terre is a Quebec Company, so Quebec Law applies and ANY Dispute WILL Be heard by the Court of the Judicial District of Quebec City.

The Nullity of a Contractual Clause Does NOT entail the Nullity of these General Conditions of Sale.

17. Disclaimer

Paradis sur terre CANNOT Be held Responsible if You ARE Unable to use its Websites.

Paradis sur terre CANNOT Be held Responsible for the Loss or Alteration of Your Personal Data.

Paradis sur terre CAN ONLY be held Liable for Damages Payable to the Buyer ONLY for the Amount of the Transaction Carried out By the Latter.

18 . Nullity and Modification of the Contract

BEFORE Purchasing ANY Product from our Store, You MUST HAVE Read our Terms and Conditions and MUST AGREE to them.

ALL Products in our Online Store CANNOT be Returned or Refunded Because Access Allows Consumption* of the Product.

NO Cancellation IS Possible AFTER Purchasing a Product.A Refund IS Possible IF Proof is Made by the Customer that There Has Been NO Consumption* of the Digital Product (s).

19. Lexicon

*Consumed: One or more Products Listened to, Read or Viewed.

*Consumption: Listening, Reading or Viewing one or more Products.

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